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Objavljeno: 27 Maj 2013 21:56 Odgovori s citatom
Administrator foruma Pridružen/-a: 12.01. 2012, 11:46 Prispevkov: 3191
Večkrat se srečujemo pri posvojenih hrtkih z osamitveno tesnobo.
Tukaj nekaj napotkov v ang. jeziku kako postopati ...

1 Prepare your dog for being alone, before you have to leave him alone
2 Teach independence with very short absences
3 Be cool about it, and be in charge so he doesn't have to be

When you first get your Greyhound, it's vital to prepare him for being left, not wait till you want to go out, even for short periods. He (or she) may never have been completely alone before. Follow the procedures below to lay a foundation, then even if your dog is by nature prone to separation anxiety (as it's called), you may prevent the problem.

Crime and Punishment
If you come home and find your dog has trashed the place, whatever you do don't scold him - you'll make him scared of you, increase his anxiety, and make everything worse. It's not his fault, pet dogs have been bred to need human company and the behaviour is a panic reaction, not an attempt to 'punish you' for leaving him. Be neutral while you clear up, then go back to normal with him and start the training below.
Separation Anxiety is a dog’s inability to cope when left alone. Typical severe symptoms are howling, barking, scratching or chewing at furniture and fittings, and even wetting and messing around the house in your absence. Depression and hyperactvity may also be caused by it, and extended and/or over-exuberant greeting on your return is another sign. Some dogs may even become aggressive when they sense your imminent departure, trying to stop you leaving. If your dog has lower levels of separation anxiety that may still mean your dog's unhappy even if there's no damage to the house.
Separation anxiety can sometimes start in a dog who didn't used to suffer from it, in response to a change in the home such as the arrival of a new pet or baby, or a change in your patterns of absence. Some dogs become prone to separation anxiety as they get older.
Separation anxiety generally does not get better by itself, more often it gets worse - you have to fix it for them!
In order to stop the fear your dog needs to become more confident and secure in himself, and less dependent on you. You need to teach him this by changing the way you behave.

The Fix

Step One
He must have a bed or den of his own, somewhere warm and secure where there's no risk of being trodden on. The end of a room is best, away from doors and corridors, and if you let him sleep upstairs that's where he'll feel safest.
You want him to learn to stay in his bed when you leave the room and not follow you round the house all the time. Some following is OK, but it mustn't be compulsive. You need him to have confidence as an independent being. Train it like this:

• Start in his "bed" room, and wait till he lies down, then ignore him, walk past him without looking at him or saying anything, busy yourself with something and then after a bit casually leave the room.
• If he follows you, keep ignoring him, keep moving round the house and end up back in his bed room.
• Stop there until he lies down again, briefly fuss him while he's lying down, and then repeat the ignoring and moving around, tour of the house and back to his bed room. Since he's a Greyhound you won't have to do many cycles of this before he can't be bothered to follow you and stays in his bed.
• As soon as he does this, shorten the tour of the house to get back to him before he gets up, and praise and fuss him while he's still in his bed. If he gets up too soon, do another cycle of the ignoring and tour of the house.
• Make sure you ignore him when he's up and praise him when he's stayed on his own. Resist the temptation to fuss him if he gets up as you come back into the room - the training is that he only gets praise if he's stayed in bed.
• Increase the length of time you're away from him until it ceases to be an issue, so that if he's tired he'll have a long sleep on his own.

Obviously he is still supposed to want your company, so don't go mad, you just want him not to absolutely need your company every minute - to be a bit self-sufficient. As with everything, Greyhounds are all different and yours may already be self-sufficient and not need any training, or he might be at the other extreme and be unable to cope with being left on his own whatever you do.

Step Two is to desensitise him to your departure "cues" - if your dog already has a separation problem he'll associate all your usual going out procedures, like putting on your coat and picking up your keys, as the start of his period alone. You need to desensitise him to these stimuli, so at various times go repeatedly through these actions quietly and without fuss, and then sit back down. Repeat these actions until your dog stops taking any interest. Also try to change your pre-departure routines to make them less familiar.

Step Three
Tell your dog when you're going out, so he isn't constantly worrying about it when you're not going out, but tell him in a casual tone of voice that has no hint that it might be a problem for him. Greyhounds are extremely sensitive to tones of voice, and if your voice conveys a total lack of being sorry for him he'll be a lot less likely to feel sorry for himself. Pick a phrase to teach him, like "see you in a bit", and just say it once as you go. Don't go over to him to make a fuss, just put your head round the door and say it, so he knows. He will tend to take his cue from you so play it cool.
Finally, train the going out. If he's anxious, just go for a few seconds then come back still acting cool and not paying any attention to him. Repeat until he's not anxious any more, and extend the period you're away only when he's no longer anxious as you leave. Don't forget most doggy anxieties don't get unlearned in a rational way, based on what actually happens while you're out, dogs tend to learn to be anxious when the situation that initially created the fear recurs. So make sure you don't increase the period you're out until he's not at all anxious about the previous length of absence.

More Tips

Training for general obedience is very important so that your dog will know that you are in control of everything and he's not being left "in charge" of the house. The anxiety this creates is a very common source of the problem. If you're a couple, make sure both of you are completely in charge of him, not just one of you.

Walk him first and if possible feed him so that he's ready for a nice lie down! Make sure he's getting enough exercise, especially if he's young.

It's a habit: occasionally the problem has become so ingrained that even when his confidence does improve he still chews or even excretes out of habit. For these dogs an indoor kennel may be required. These have proved to be very successful, but be aware that generally they should be left open as some dogs seem prone to claustrophobia. If it represents a secure personal space he will still go in there to sleep.
A Greyhound's instinctive response to fear is to move, so locking him in one room can be counter-productive.
Two dogs together are generally more secure, especially if your nervous dog is joined by a confident one. Most racing Greyhounds live in pairs so it's especailly reassuring for them. It does depend on the personalities of the dogs though - if you add a second nervous dog they can just set each other off! If you have a fundamentally very dependent dog a supportive companion may be the only alternative to taking him back, though fortunately if you have the space two Greyhounds are generally better than one in any case - no-one who's had two ever goes back to having just one! It's a lot less extra work than you'd think, they give each other a kind of company we can't, and the differences in their personalities are a special joy.
Paradoxically, it can help to ignore your dog when you get back home. Some experts have found that waiting until your dog calms down before your greet him increases his confidence, by enhancing his perception that you have everything under control and that you're not expecting him to be especially needing you. However, if you try this don't make him wait too long, and make sure he still feels loved.
Obviously, don't leave your dog any longer than you have to, and try to avoid very long absences that your dog will very quickly learn to fear - when you go out he can only guess when you'll be back. One unusually long absence can set the problem off.
If your dog is still unable to be left, you might be able to find a local dog walker or dog sitter, though you'll still need your dog to be able to cope with short separations.

Nazadnje urejal/a NEON 27 Maj 2013 22:49; skupaj popravljeno 1 krat

HRTJI SVET Slovenije

Pomagajmo hrtom v stiski.
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Objavljeno: 27 Maj 2013 22:19 Odgovori s citatom
Administrator foruma Pridružen/-a: 12.01. 2012, 11:46 Prispevkov: 3191

Osamitvena tesnoba pri hrtku:

Ne samo posvojeni, tudi ostali hrtki in psi lahko trpijo za osamitveno tesnobo:

Tukaj pa še video posnetek, ki dobro pokaže kako hrtka navadimo, da počaka sam doma. Trening, trening, trening! Laughing

Pa tudi Cesar Millan in njegovi napotki (ampak seveda, posvojenega hrtka ne zapremo ven, ampak v hišo ali stanovanje, da treniramo "počakati sam doma"):

HRTJI SVET Slovenije

Pomagajmo hrtom v stiski.
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Objavljeno: 27 Maj 2013 22:30 Odgovori s citatom
Administrator foruma Pridružen/-a: 12.01. 2012, 11:46 Prispevkov: 3191
Video prej:

Nasvet: Utrudite svojega psa z aktivnostjo (tekom, dolgim sprehodom) preden greste od doma!

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Še koristen link:

HRTJI SVET Slovenije

Pomagajmo hrtom v stiski.
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Objavljeno: 21 Apr 2015 07:04 Odgovori s citatom
Pridružen/-a: 10.05. 2013, 09:39 Prispevkov: 1600

Svojega psa pripravite na to, da bo sam.
Samostojnost učite s krajšimi odsotnostmi.
Bodite umirjeni in samozavestni.

Ko postanete lastnik hrta, je pomembno, da ga pravočasno pripravite na to, da bo kdaj pa kdaj sam, torej, da ne čakate do zadnjega trenutka, ko ga morate dejansko pustiti samega. Obstaja namreč možnost, da pes v preteklosti še nikoli ni bil sam. Četudi je vaš pes nagnjen k osamitveni tesnobi, se lahko z upoštevanjem navodil tej težavi izognete.

Zločin in kazen
Ko pridete domov in ugotovite, da je pes stanovanje postavil na glavo, ga nikakor ne grajajte, saj bi se vas ustrašil, kar bi še stopnjevalo njegovo tesnobo. Ljubljenčki potrebujejo človeško družbo in če pes uničuje vaše stanovanje, tega ne počne, ker bi vas hotel kaznovati, ker ste ga zapustili. Destruktivno obnašanje je zgolj panična reakcija. Ko pospravljate, bodite umirjeni, nato pa se posvetite psu in začnite s treningom.

Osamitvena tesnoba je zgolj nesposobnost psa biti sam. Simptomi so: tuljenje, lajanje, praskanje, grizenje pohištva, naprav, celo lulanje. Ravno tako lahko pride do depresije in hiperaktivnosti, en izmed znakov pa je tudi pretirano veselje ob našem povratku domov. Nekateri psi, ko začutijo, da lastnik odhaja, postanejo tudi agresivni in poskušajo preprečiti odhod. Do osamitvene tesnobe pa lahko pride tudi takrat, ko v dom pride nov ljubljenček, dojenček, nekateri psi postanejo občutljivejši z leti.

Osamitvena tesnoba pa ne izgine sama – z njo se je potrebno spopasti. Pes mora postati samozavestnejši in samostojnejši. Tega pa ga naučimo tako, da spremenimo svoje obnašanje.

Pes mora imeti svoj prostor, kjer je toplo in varno. To je lahko na primer na koncu sobe (npr v kotu), proč od vrat ter hodnikov. Ko ga zapustite, mora ostati na svojem mestu in vam ne sme ves čas slediti po hiši.

Začnite na način:

• ko se uleže na svoje ležišče, ga ignorirajte, hodite mimo njega, vendar ga niti ne poglejte ali spregovorite besede, potem prostor zapustite;
• če vam sledi, ga ignorirajte;
• počakajte, da se uleže, potem pa ignorirajte naprej;
• vsekakor ga ignorirajte, ko je pokonci. Pohvalite ga, ko ostane na svojem ležišču;
• vsakič podaljšujte čas, ko ga pustite samega.

Poskrbeti morate, da pes ni več občutljiv na »iztočnice odhoda« (npr. se oblačite, ključi ipd.) Tega ga odvadite tako, da se večkrat oblečete, pripravljate na odhod, pri tem pa pazite, da ne povzročate nobene »drame«. To ponovite tolikokrat, da psu ni več zanimivo. Lahko tudi spremenite rutino pred odhodom, da pes dejanj ne poveže takoj z vašim odhodom.

Svojemu psu z mirnim glasom povejte, da greste ven. Hrti so izjemno občutljivi na ton glasu. Če v vašem glasu ne bo zaznal tega, da vam je žal, ker greste, potem se tudi sam ne bo smilil samemu sebi. Uporabljajte stavek kot:»Pridem kmalu«. Stavek ponovite samo enkrat.
Trenirajte odhod. Če je nemiren, ga zapustite za nekaj sekund, potem se vrnite, bodite sproščeni in ne zmenite se zanj. To ponavljate, dokler kužek ni več vznemirjen, hkrati pa podaljšujte svojo odsotnost.

Treniranje splošne ubogljivosti je izrednega pomena, saj mora pes vedeti, da ste vi glavni . Če živite s partnerjem poskrbite, da ga nadvladata oba.

Sprehodite ga, nahranite ga, nato naj gre na svoje ležišče. Poskrbite, da se dovolj razgiba.

Včasih pa kužek še vedno – kljub šolanju – grize in izloča. Za takšnega psa je potreben notranji pesjak. Vsekakor pa ga morate puščati odprtega, saj so marsikateri psi klavstrofobični.

Dva psa sta načeloma funkcionirata boljše – sploh če je negotov pes skupaj s samozavestnejšim. Večina hrtov živi v parih. Pa še dela imate veliko manj kot z enim!

Še en paradoks: ko pridete domov, ignorirajte svojega psa. Nekateri strokovnjaki pravijo, da je bolje, če psu daste čas, da se pomiri, preden ga pozdravite. To naj bi povečalo njihovo samozavest. Vsekakor pa ne čakajte predolgo, saj se mora pes počutiti ljubljenega.

Psa ne puščajte samega dlje, kot je potrebno.

Če psa še vedno ne morete pustiti samega, razmišljajte o sprehajalcu ali varuški.

Društvo HRTJI SVET Slovenije
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Objavljeno: 09 Feb 2018 22:30 Odgovori s citatom
Pridružen/-a: 21.10. 2012, 16:32 Prispevkov: 1481 Kraj: Slovenj Gradec
Tole predavanje je izjemno koristno za vse naše posvojitelje, še posebej za tiste, ki o posvojitvi razmišljate.

''Na predavanju bomo govorili o vzrokih za ločitveno tesnobo ter njenih simptomih, predstavili pa bomo tudi rešitve in napotke za delo s psom, da se težava omili oziroma do nje ne pride. Vsak pes se lahko nauči biti nekaj časa sam, pomembno pa je, da ga na samoto navajamo pravilno, postopno in na način, ki ga razume. ''

Res močno priporočamo! Smile
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