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Objavljeno: 12 Jan 2012 16:45 Odgovori s citatom
Administrator foruma Pridružen/-a: 12.01. 2012, 11:46 Prispevkov: 3191
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HRTJI SVET Slovenije

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Objavljeno: 12 Jan 2012 16:45 Odgovori s citatom
Administrator foruma Pridružen/-a: 12.01. 2012, 11:46 Prispevkov: 3191

Na zgornjem linku je dostopen spletni obrazec, kateri se nahaja čisto spodaj na tej spletni strani (pritisnite tipko GO in vam ga odpre) in s katerim pošljete protestno pismo za zaščito in pomoč hrtom ...

Hvala za podporo v imenu hrtkov ... Very Happy

HRTJI SVET Slovenije

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Objavljeno: 12 Jan 2012 16:46 Odgovori s citatom
Administrator foruma Pridružen/-a: 12.01. 2012, 11:46 Prispevkov: 3191
Prosim pošljite klasično pismo, ki je dostopno na spodnjem linku ...
Žal so elektronski naslov že zablokirali ...

Hvala v imenu galgov ...

HRTJI SVET Slovenije

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Objavljeno: 12 Jan 2012 16:46 Odgovori s citatom
Administrator foruma Pridružen/-a: 12.01. 2012, 11:46 Prispevkov: 3191
Prosim podpišite peticijo:

HRTJI SVET Slovenije

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Objavljeno: 12 Jan 2012 16:47 Odgovori s citatom
Administrator foruma Pridružen/-a: 12.01. 2012, 11:46 Prispevkov: 3191
Prosim podpišite peticijo "Stop The Export Of Irish Greyhounds To China"

Prosim podpišite peticijo ...

HRTJI SVET Slovenije

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Objavljeno: 05 Feb 2013 13:52 Odgovori s citatom
Administrator foruma Pridružen/-a: 12.01. 2012, 11:46 Prispevkov: 3191
Prosimo podpišite in delite peticijo proti krutemu ravnanju z lovskimi psi v Španiji.
Hvala, ker vam ni vseeno!
Hvala za vaš podpis!

HRTJI SVET Slovenije

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Objavljeno: 14 Jul 2013 15:02 Odgovori s citatom
Pridružen/-a: 10.05. 2013, 09:39 Prispevkov: 1600
Prosimo podpišite peticijo za ukinitev hrtjih dirk v Vietnamu. Hvala, ker vam ni vseeno za hrte v stiski.

Društvo HRTJI SVET Slovenije
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Objavljeno: 16 Jul 2013 18:38 Odgovori s citatom
Pridružen/-a: 13.01. 2012, 20:21 Prispevkov: 763
Podpisano Smile

Smo ljudje, ki delimo svoje življenje, svoe srce, svojo zofo, svoj dom s posvojenim hrtom in so ljudje, ki so zato prikrajšani.
HRTJI SVET Slovenije

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Objavljeno: 28 Avg 2013 06:23 Odgovori s citatom
Pridružen/-a: 10.05. 2013, 09:39 Prispevkov: 1600
Tudi v Argentini galgom in greyhoundom ne godi nič lepše kot v Španiji in na Irskem. Sad Tudi tam jih izkoriščajo za lov in dirke. To množico mrtvih hrtov je naključno posnel nek kolesar. Človek, sram te bodi! Bo kdaj konec trpljenja hrtov? Bodo končno zaščitili nemočne živali in si prenehali zatiskati oči pred resnico?

(vir fotografij:!/AsesinosDeAnimalesCreenQueMeOlvidareDeUstedes)

Prosimo podpišite peticijo na spodnji povezavi ...

To lahko vsak od nas naredi za uboge hrte v Argentini "na daljavo", čeprav je za revčke na sliki žal že prepozno pokažimo, da nam ni vseeno za vse ostale, ki jih ta kruta usoda še čaka. Ne smemo prezreti raznih peticij, s katerimi poskušajo ljudje doseči odpravo teh masakrov češ:"Saj ne bodo nič dosegli, nima smisla." ...

Vedno je smisel! Za vse te trpeče živali ima vse to smisel!

Peticija je dostopna na tej povezavi:

Hvala, ker vam ni vseeno za trpeče živali.

Društvo HRTJI SVET Slovenije
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Objavljeno: 28 Avg 2013 07:53 Odgovori s citatom
Pridružen/-a: 16.01. 2012, 12:10 Prispevkov: 300
Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo
Objavljeno: 28 Avg 2013 09:20 Odgovori s citatom
Pridružen/-a: 13.01. 2012, 20:21 Prispevkov: 763

Smo ljudje, ki delimo svoje življenje, svoe srce, svojo zofo, svoj dom s posvojenim hrtom in so ljudje, ki so zato prikrajšani.
HRTJI SVET Slovenije

Pomagajmo hrtom v stiski.
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Objavljeno: 03 Nov 2013 11:28 Odgovori s citatom
Administrator foruma Pridružen/-a: 12.01. 2012, 11:46 Prispevkov: 3191
V Španiji ponovno razmišljajo o tem, da bi odprli tekaško industrijo z greyhoundi, kar pomeni tudi ponovno množično prodajo tekaških greyhoundov iz Irske v Španijo. S tem korakom bi lahko Španija ponovno odprla še eno fronto trplejnja hrtov, tokrat greyhoundov, na drugi strani pa se že tako močno spopadajo s problematiko lovskih galgov..Pred časom so zaradi močnega pritiska EU že zaprli zadnji tekaški stadion v Španiji, ko je bilo takrat naenkrat brez domov veliko število greyhoundov, zato nikakor ne smemo dovoliti, da bi se tudi v Španiji ponovno začeli odpirati stadioni za tekaške tekme z greyhoundi in s tem množično prodajo hrtov iz Irske v Španijo.

Zakaj bi odpirali novo problematiko zavrženih in trpinčenih hrtov v Španiji? Zakaj povzročati še dodatno nesmisleno trpljenje greyhoundov v Španiji, če še galgov niso sposobni odločno in učinkovito zaščititi pred trplejnjem? Zakaj bi ponovno odpirali tekaško indiustrijo v Španiji?
Recimo odločno NE!

Več o tem v skupini na FB:


Skupaj zmoremo reči NE! Le s skupnimi močmi se lahko odločno upremo nesmiselnemu trpljenju greyhoundov v Španiji!

HRTJI SVET Slovenije

Pomagajmo hrtom v stiski.
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Objavljeno: 15 Nov 2013 13:43 Odgovori s citatom
Pridružen/-a: 13.01. 2012, 20:21 Prispevkov: 763
kopirano, vir FB

Our regular followers will remember this greyhound girl who came into our care some time ago. She was one of the worst cases of neglect and suffering that we have ever witnessed. Her condition did not develop over days or weeks, but over many many months and it is heartbreaking to think of all that she endured in her short sad life. Bobbi was only with us a few brief days, she died as she did not have the strength to live, but in that short time she knew love, kindness and compassion. In her name and all the other greyhounds that suffer Cork DAWG will continue to champion their cause, thousands of these dogs lives are ended far too soon cut short because they no longer win races. They meet their fate in many ways, put down in our pounds, shot in a quarry, or other gruesome methods, or shipped to some other country to race again for their lives. Our Irish greyhounds deserve better, anyone who has adopted a greyhound will testify they are wonderful, loyal and loving animals. They cannot speak so please do so on their behalf:
Please send the following email to:
and c.c.

Subject: No Irish Greyhounds to Spain

Dear Minister Simon Coveney and Adrian Neilan,

It has recently come to my attention that approximately 20 Irish greyhounds were sold to an agent for Spanish buyers at the greyhound auction in Thurles, Ireland on October 26th 2013. I understand that these dogs are currently in kennels waiting to be exported to Spain on 19th November 2013 or thereabouts. This concerns me greatly for the following reasons.

In Spain, sighthounds are habitually abused, being kept in appalling conditions and then disposed of in horrific ways, such as being hung from a tree with their toes just touching the ground so they dance to live until they tire and strangle, being thrown alive down a well, being left in the countryside with their legs broken so they cannot walk home, being burnt alive, etc. It is estimated that tens of thousands of sighthounds meet their end in such horrendous ways in Spain every year. This is not the fate an Irish greyhound (or any other dog) should suffer. Rescue groups in Spain already find it impossible to save, rehabilitate and rehome the innumerable sighthounds that need their help. They are certainly not in a position to deal with yet more sighthounds being imported from Ireland and then abandoned when no longer of any use.

The Spanish who currently race their dogs on straight tracks as a hobby are hopeful that new oval tracks will be built in Spain in the near future. The last greyhound track in Spain, Meridiana track in Barcelona, closed in 2006. In 1997, the ISPCA and RSPCA visited this track and the Santa Coloma Kennels. Their report states: "Approximately 900 greyhounds were forced to spend 21 hours in terrible kennels with no air conditioning. Greyhounds were infested with parasites and nursing open sores. Greyhounds were administered substances such as amphetamines, caffeine, anabolic steroids and cocaine.Greyhounds were forced to sleep on hard concrete with no bedding. Greyhounds showed a high level of hair loss, urine scalding and skin irritation. Many dogs were lame and carrying injuries. Many dogs had open wounds which were not attended to.” The conditions were reportedly no better in 2003. The welfare standards witnessed at the Meridiana track and Coloma Kennels contrast sharply with the specific welfare standards for racing greyhounds as set out in The Welfare of Greyhounds Act 2011
The Irish Government and the Irish Greyhound Board have a responsibility to ensure that Irish greyhounds are not exported to countries with a history of falling far short of those welfare standards.

I implore you to intervene urgently and decisively to stop this particular transport of greyhounds and finally put an end to the exportation of greyhounds to Spain. I expect the Irish government and racing industry to act responsibly and to put the welfare of Irish greyhounds to the fore.

Smo ljudje, ki delimo svoje življenje, svoe srce, svojo zofo, svoj dom s posvojenim hrtom in so ljudje, ki so zato prikrajšani.
HRTJI SVET Slovenije

Pomagajmo hrtom v stiski.
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Objavljeno: 15 Nov 2013 15:33 Odgovori s citatom
Pridružen/-a: 16.01. 2012, 12:10 Prispevkov: 300
naslov <>
je napačen
Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo
Objavljeno: 15 Nov 2013 19:37 Odgovori s citatom
Pridružen/-a: 13.01. 2012, 20:21 Prispevkov: 763

po nekaj poizkusih, mi je uspelo poslati na gornji naslov... Confused

Smo ljudje, ki delimo svoje življenje, svoe srce, svojo zofo, svoj dom s posvojenim hrtom in so ljudje, ki so zato prikrajšani.
HRTJI SVET Slovenije

Pomagajmo hrtom v stiski.
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